Excited For The Weekend??


The older I get the dumber that question sounds.
There’s always that one person that has to ask
“Its Friday….Are you excited for the weekend?”
When I answer…”Not really…”
They look…shocked…
Usually they say…”But…it’s the weekend…free from work”

You know…if it was my first weekend of my life I’d probably be excited about it. I wouldn’t know what to expect…so yea I’d probably be excited, there would be anticipation of the unknown.

But you know what?
It’s not my 1st weekend…
I’ve had 40 years of weekends…most of them have been in my adult years…
Married for almost 18 of them…
Kids for almost 17…
So I pretty much know what to expect…
Free from work…not quite
Oh sure… I get spend time with my family.
We can work together.
That’ll be fun…
I’ve seen better cooperation between union and non union workers
Asking the kids to help…turns into telling the kids to help…turns into screaming at them stop fighting with me…and I’m doing the work myself
The one thing there’s no fighting about..My wife is the BOSS
You know how I know she’s the boss…she has all the ideas…but doesn’t know how to do them.
I don’t either…but I have to figure it out…from her explanations. Which is never easy…we speak the same language…but mean totally different things.

But somehow everything gets done…on the weekend
Leaving me excited and exhausted…for Monday

The Mundane Act of Growing Older


I turned 40 today..

I don’t know if it’s just me or not…but I just don’t get too excited about my birthday…anymore.

I’ve heard all the jokes about turning 40…It’s no big deal…I’m not the first person to turn 40..

It’s not my first birthday either…I’ve had 39 of before this one.

Each year they’ve just become more mundane…there’s no excitement in them.

Where’s the celebration??

I don’t mean the singing of “Happy Birthday” at Applebee’s  by employees that don’t know you…who are probably more embarrassed that they have to sing to you…than you are having them sing to you.

I mean celebrate with people who really want to celebrate you and your birthday…give a toast to many more years to come, and celebrate life and friendship.

I have 400 “friends” on Facebook…many will say “Happy Birthday” or make a “funny” joke about being old or getting old, most only know it’s my birthday because a reminder pops up saying “Wish James a Happy Birthday”

That’s great and all…

You know what  would bring excitement back to my birthday…

Birthday cards…I miss opening the mailbox and seeing them in there…they would start arriving the week of your birthday and keep coming for at least a week past. Birthday cards meant that someone actually took the time to read a card that meant something enough to want to give it to you…The “funny” cards had more meaning…the mushy cards had meaning to the person picking them out…giving birthday’s meaning…

And not  so mundane



To My 16 Year Old Self…From My 40 Year Old Self


 Hey Me…

Remember when you thought 40 was sooo old….well guess what buddy?

You turn 40 tomorrow!!

Honestly…You don’t feel old.

No wrinkles to speak of…a little more than a few gray hairs though.

I blame your kids…especially teenagers for them…that’s right I said teenagers.

You actually have 2 of them…one is 16 years old herself…scary huh?

I’ll get back to them in a little while.

Let’s talk about you…


Out of all the things I know about you…I wish you have the confidence in yourself at 16 as you do at 40.

16 is such a difficult time…wanting the freedom to be yourself but afraid to be at the same time.

Having your whole life in front of you and every decison you make effects the next decison you make.

There’s a lot of pressure being 16…from your parents, friends, society, and yourself.

Hanging out with friends and just doing stupid stuff sounds fun as a kid, I’m not gonna lie, it is…it builds a lot of memories.

From parties in the Summer time…to telling your buddies about the girl you made out with.

(Here’s a tip for Summer parties…don’t pee into air conditioners…eventually they’ll turn on…

and don’t tell you’re loud mouth friend about the chick you were making out with…he’ll ruin your chances of doing it again)

Remember to continue to have fun as you get older, it keeps you feeling younger.

Take some chances, you don’t know what can happen until you do!

Hold on to some friends as long as you can…but know when to let go of certain ones.

You’ll build some friendships that last a life time…you just don’t know it.

School is a time for social…awkwardness.

Not just for yourself…but for all of those around you…remember that.

You don’t know the situation of the “quiet weird kid” in class…or the jock that feels he has to prove himself to his friends.

Keeping your grades up, which is always a struggle when you don’t take school seriously, and I know, we didn’t.

It is tempting just to slip between the cracks of school…show up every day, put your time in, and be invisible.

If you do that in school…you’ll end up doing that in life too.

(Eventually…you’ll meet someone that helps you realize how important life is, that helps you grow not just academically…

but more importantly, as a person too.)

What I’m trying to say is…stand up, be noticed, and make your mark in life early on.

(Fast forward a few years)

College…you should try to stick it out…it wouldn’t be as bad as you might think

Your lack of confidence in yourself could cost you this opportunity…or maybe being too confident and not enough ability to handle it.

Make sure you challenge yourself… just not too much or too quickly…

Don’t let someone “guide ” you into doing things that you’d regret, maybe regret is too strong of word, but you’ll get my point.

This could be a high point in your life…could change a lot of things…and it will…just might not be how you expect

And If it wasn’t for that damned public speaking class..any ways…learn to teach a group how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich

(you’ll understand later)

Funny how one class can determine your future…just not immediately.

If you would have told me on my 16 birthday that just 5 years later that I would meet a women…fall in love…and ask her to marry me within 3 months of knowing her…I would tell you that you’re crazy.

Well…you’ve always been accused of being a little crazy…

This year you’ll be married for 18 years and been together for 19…you’ve spent almost half your life with her…let me tell you…when you say those words…”For better or for worse”

Those aren’t just some words you say just so you get to kiss your bride…

You better believe those words.

You’ll be amazed how true those word are, almost every day you’ll reminded of them.

It’s because of those words that you have managed to share your life with someone who has the complete opposite personality as you.

Not only share a life…but make a life together.

Some of the greatest joys you have in life is your family…the family you made.

You couldn’t do it with out the woman you chose as your wife.

You fell in love with her for a reason…some reasons you knew…some reasons you continue to learn.

She allows you to be you…with all your positives and all your faults.

That’s pretty damn important too!!

Finding someone who doesn’t want to change who you are…and changes with you as you do.

Remember to be the same to her…

You always wanted kids…and you wanted them while you were young…

I’m pretty sure if you weren’t able to have kids…you would have adopted a couple…no matter the cost…that’s how much you want them.

3 is a good number…always try for 4…keeps you in practice, if you know what I mean

The irony of this letter to you…is you yourself have a 16 year old right now…as well as 15 year old…and 11 year old

They will complete you…they will challenge you…most importantly…they love you.

Hold onto every memory you can with your family…all the while of continuing to make as many more as you can.

You never know what can happen…at any time…with any one.

Believe me…when I tell you those words.

I can’t tell you everything…somethings you just have to find out on your own…but I can tell you this…

You didn’t become the millionaire you thought you’d be…you became richer in life more than you ever thought you’d be.

Much respect…and much more to come,

40 Year Old Me